Who do we mean when identifying a child as having Special Education Needs |
Children who have a special educational need are those who: · A child or young person as SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them. A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if they: (a) have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age; or (b) have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.
Our ethos |
We ensure equal opportunities, where we aim for every individual learner to receive the very best individual provision possible to meet needs. |
The arrangements for consulting parents |
We work hard to include parents in their child’s education. We firmly believe that home and school should work together in partnership and we are happy to answer any questions or concerns. We welcome your views and comments. We welcome your views through: · an open door policy which gives you the opportunity to chat face to face or on the phone · regular use of the home-school diary · class assemblies, social events, joining lessons
More formally through: · Parents’ evenings · Annual reports · Termly progress review meetings · Surveys of parents’ views
We always listen to young people as their welfare and happiness is absolutely central to us. We will respond individually to our learners’ choices, preferences and needs, and get to know each individual very well. This backed up with more structured procedures for gathering learners’ views: · The School Council · One Plan Meetings · Target setting · Questionnaires · Individual observations
Our staff expertise Our SENCo is: Mrs Natalie Brown
All teachers are teachers of children with Special Educational Needs and are responsible for providing first class quality teaching and differentiation to meet the needs of all pupils. We put in place a range of plans to meet learners’ holistic needs including: · One plans · Individual learning programmes · Care plan, if appropriate · Medical plan, if appropriate · Manual handling
All staff are trained annually on safeguarding and the school has specific Child Protection designated persons.
Our Partnerships The school works closely with other professional partners which include: · School nurse · Speech and language therapist · Specialist teacher · Educational psychologist
They will be involved in working with your child, reporting to you and contributing to the overall plan for what your child needs. Our Governing Body plays an active role in strategic planning and has responsibility for overseeing the practice in the school and ensuring it meets the needs of learners and families. |
Our policies and provision |
The school delivers the requirements of the EYFS and National Curriculum adapted to meet individual needs. All learners are targeted to achieve good or outstanding progress based on national expectations. We support learners as they move to different phases of education and life. We assess learners continuously in order to track progress and make any necessary interventions. Our building and facilities are accessible to and safe for all learners. A range of our school policies are available on the website or we can provide copies on request. This includes Safeguarding Pupils and Complaints Procedure. |
Churchgate C of E Primary School
School Ethos for SEND
We value the contributions made by all children, professionals and parents to help enhance and maintain our inclusive school community.
Our aims are:
- To appreciate and value the best efforts of every child in all aspects of school life, ensuring they realise their maximum potential.
- To provide a broad, balanced, stimulating curriculum for every child regardless of race, gender or ability.
- To create a happy, caring community where all feel valued and secure.
Arrangements for consulting parents of pupils with SEN
We work hard to include parents in their children’s education. We firmly believe that home and school should work together in partnership and we are happy to answer any questions or concerns. We welcome the involvement of parents supporting at home, in class and with specific events. Appointed governors with responsibility for SEN and Equality report to the Governing Body.
Opportunities for involvement include:
- Home/school transition/liaison
- Pre-school links
- Baseline on entry
- Class based observations/work sampling/differentiated support booster groups
- Regular, at least termly, liaison with class teacher and up to weekly with SENCO
- Information sharing with any other involved professionals
- Literacy/numeracy assessments (termly)
- Action planning agreed and shared
- Progress tracking (quantitative/qualitative) plus feedback from child
- Reading age assessments
- SAT results
- Target tracker data
- IEP outcomes
- School nurse input where specific health needs
- Social care input where particular needs
- Referral to speech therapist
- Accessibility plan and budget reviewed regularly to ensure the school building is accessible and well maintained
Arrangements for consulting young people with SEN about, and involving them in, their education
- Age appropriate conversations about targets, progress and pupil views sheets including those after interventions
- Next Step marking
- Equal opportunities to participate in whole curriculum
- Social interaction, i.e.Social Skills groups, friendship circles
- Next step targets
- Additional 1:1 visits preparing for transition
- Certificates
- Celebrating achievement from outside of school
Name and contact details of the SENCo
SENCo Natalie Brown works 3 days a week and is contactable in person or email. She is a respected, knowledgeable and highly experienced SENCo and qualified teacher. She plays a key role in the life of the school, regularly meeting with senior staff, teachers, LSAs, families, named governors and professionals. She identifies training opportunities and monitors the quality and impact of interventions. With the Headteacher and Finance Officer, she is responsible for managing the SEN budget and with the Headteacher and Governors determining the strategic development of SEN policy and provision.
Contact Natalie Brown (Mon, Tues and Fri)
Contact school office 8.00am-4.00pm Monday-Friday:
Churchgate C of E Primary School 01279 866059 email: admin@churchgate.essex.sch.uk
Open door policy to SENCo and Headteacher. We aim to resolve any issues swiftly and in person, often coming to mutual understanding and agreement.
Complaint policy on our website or available from the school office on request.
Information on where the local authority’s local offer is published
Contact SENCAN at Goodman House, Harlow. Tel: 01279 404502. Via Essex Infolink. ECC website.
The local offer from Essex Counbty Council is available at the website - www.essexlocaloffer.org.uk/
Information about the school’s policies for the identification, assessment and provision for pupils with SEN
The method of identification and provision follows a graduated approach. Concerns are first raised and addressed through normal classroom practice. Transition arrangements for children joining Reception are robust and the SENCo and Class Teacher are closely involved where additional needs are made apparent.
We believe that parents and pre-schools have a responsibility to liaise with us. A range of assessments and interventions are scrutinised to measure impact and progress. Interventions have a pre and post assessment measures, whether qualitative and quantitive. Provision beyond the normal, differentiated classroom approaches and learning arrangements take the form of a high quality, personalised teaching and learning approach.
An Individual Education Plan is developed in collaboration with staff, specialists, other professionals, child and family. Progress is reviewed termly and adaptions to the support provided are made as required. Plans relate to a clear SMART set of expected outcomes designed to stretch the child’s learning and development. The quality appropriateness and impact of the overall provision are also kept under regular review.
Schools have funding identified within their overall budget to provide high quality, appropriate support. More extensive support will require additional core funding. At this point, an assessment of Educational, Health and Care needs will be undertaken by the Local Authority and an EHC Plan developed. This should take no more than 20 weeks. The school, child and family will be fully involved in this process. Pupil Premium Grant is also deployed and reported termly to Governors. The annual statement is available on the school website.
Information on the kinds of SEN provision made in the school
The SENCo is experienced and knowledgeable. There is a clear expectation that all members of the school staff should be making a significant contribution to raising standards of achievement. SENCo, senior staff and Governors are committed to providing necessary support and training. Attendance at courses and training opportunities are discussed and reported on a termly basis in the Headteacher’s report to Governors. We have a strong partnership with a Consortium of local schools through Harlow Local Delivery Group. The SENCo makes contact with specialist teachers and Health as required. Teachers will request hearing, sight and speech assessments for children as the need arises.
We ensure we purchase quality resources to support learning, i.e. visualizers, finger and gym trail, IT packages, Numicon, wobble cushions, games, writing slopes and other specialist equipment, etc.
We have a comprehensive Equality and accessibility plan.
Information about the expertise and training of staff in relation to children with SEN
Further to the above, LSAs are employed and trained to support SEN:
- Gym trail
- Speaking and listening
- Reciprocal teaching
- Narrative therapy
- Precision monitoring
- Autistic spectrum disorder
- Rapid maths and phonics intervention
- Phonics