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COVID-19 - Coronavirus
Coronavirus advice from Government for Schools
Advice for schools: Coronavirus - Corvid 19
As a school we are receiving advice from the Government as they monitor Coronavirus - Corvid 19
In school assembly and in class, we have ensured children are reminded about using tissues to catch, bin and kill germs, to wash hands effectively with soap and to use sanitiser gel as required.
The advice for any persons returning from travel depends on the area they have visited and you can read about the areas categorized using the link below.
Travellers from high risk, listed as Category 1, areas should self-isolate immediately and contact NHS 111 to speak to a medical representative.
Travellers from other areas listed as Category 2, who have no symptoms are advised to monitor their health for 14 days from their return date, but self-isolate and contact NHS 111 if symptoms emerge.
We are all advised to pay attention to updates from Public Health Matters, see link below, this site is being updated daily at 2pm.
We attach the poster which is displayed around school to enable staff and adults to ensure good hygiene and advice is followed.